
Modest biography with important life lesson

The Path Through the Trees - Christopher Milne

The Path Through the Trees
von Christopher Milne

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

Finding your own way

Growing up knowing the stories of Christopher Robin and his bear and knowing they both have real-life role-models, one can’t help but wonder what Christopher Robin grew up to be. Did Edward Bear, did Winnie-The-Pooh stay a part of his life? Has he, perhaps, kept the original toys and did his children play with them?

The answer – which may at first sound sad for a Pooh-fan – is No. Today the original toys can be visited at the New York Public Library, far away from Sussex, and Christopher (Robin) Milne, in fact, was rather glad than sad to live a life without his dear companion from childhood.

Some kind of explanation for this and what filled his life instead Christopher Milne shares with us in his three-parted biography.

‚The Path Through the Trees’ is the second part of the triology and desribes C. M.’s path through adulthood. It tells us of war, love, studies, marriage, fatherhood and of a successful and fulfilling work as the owner of a bookshop in Dartmouth. Charmfully written it depicts the life of a modest but happy and interesting little family, so different from the family we got to know in ‚The Enchanted Places’. No teddy-bears here, but warm love – for family and friends and also for animals and nature. The book offers philosophical insights about life and its difficulties and practial insights about the running of a bookshop.

In our present time the life(s) described here seem almost too romantic. But not because everything goes smoothly! If you face life's difficulties with hope, love and intelligence, you can create yourself a perfect place called home. Best lesson you ask for!


MrsFraser kommentierte am 04. Januar 2017 um 11:57

Best lessen you CAN ask for. Sorry!

MrsFraser kommentierte am 04. Januar 2017 um 18:16

lesson. Himmel! Entweder liegt es an der Autokorrektur oder ich muss meine Brillengläser testen lassen... 

Hermione kommentierte am 04. Januar 2017 um 21:52

Sei nicht so selbstkritisch!

Ist trotzdem eine sehr schöne und hilfreiche Rezension!!! :-)