
Perfect mix of fun, action and romance

Wrong Turn, Right Direction - Elle Casey

Wrong Turn, Right Direction
von Elle Casey

I have been waiting for this book ever since I read the last page of the previous book  - and believe me, waiting that long wasn't easy. When I bought the first book of the series in December, I read it - and went back to download the next. And the next. And then the wait began. And it was hard. Fortunately, I found "Shine not Burn" by Elle Casey that turned out to be as funny and witty and gripping and page-turning in its own way as the books of the "Bourbon Street Boys" - Series but nevertheless I just couldn't wait for this book to get out.
Was it worth the wait? Hell, yessss....
From the first page on, this book got me and kept me glued to my reader till the very last page. I laughed and cried and I was upset and I was afraid and I was furious and - I loved every single page.
When Mika takes the wrong turn, this may just turn out to be the right direction, despite it being a one-way street. in the other direction. And, well, despite the man she just hit with her car. Yes, even though everything might turn out to be just the right thing and the right direction, no matter how bad it looks.
Unfortunately, her up-to-now-but-not-any-longer employer didn't get the message and things get really bad but with Thibault at her side, how could Mika go wrong?
Fortunately, the guys from Bourbon Street Security have some experience dealing with bad guys and when Thibault realizes that Mika is in danger he won't stop till she is safe.
Another wonderful book in a great series that just provides the perfect mix of fun and action spiced with a lot of romance - I love it!