
Very entertaining

All About the Hype - Paige Toon

All About the Hype
von Paige Toon

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

All about the hype seems to be the final installment in the series about Jessie Jefferson.

Jessie is finally starting to settle into her glamorous life in Los Angeles and being the daughter of the world-famous rockstar Johnny Jefferson. Still she manages to get into lots of trouble.

Again I found the book highly entertaining and enjoyed following Jessie through the ups and downs of being part of a famous family. I really liked that Jessie remained the down-to-earth girl while being sucked into that whirlwind kind of life.
I also might be obsessed with Johnny but I really enjoyed him turning all dad on Jessie. There were some really hilarious moments.

Paige Toon's writing style is fast-paced and enjoyable as always. I really hope that one day we can go back again to the Jefferson universe.