
The Truro Murders (True Crime) -

The Truro Murders (True Crime)

von Ryan Green

The Truro Murders presents the shocking true story of Christopher Worrell, and his accomplice, James Miller. The events in this book unveil one of the worst serial killing sprees in Australian history. Over the course of two months in 1976-1977, seven young women were brutally raped and murdered.

Worrell and Miller met in prison, and upon release, developed a dominant and submissive relationship that centred around feeding Worrell's sadistic urges towards women. Miller would deny any involvement in the murders, claiming his love for Worrell was the basis for his cooperation and silence.

In the space of twelve months between 1978-1979, remains of two of the victims were found within 1km of one another. Police linked the two bodies with another five young females reported missing in the area. The police uncovered two more skeletons within the Truro region and now faced the difficult task of piecing together the evidence and finding the countries biggest serial killers.

The Truro Murders portrays the sex-fuelled killing spree from the perspective of James Miller, the accomplice. Contained within this shocking true crime story are love, loss, manipulation, and extreme violence. If you are especially sensitive to accounts of suffering young females, it might be advisable not to read any further. if, however, you seek to understand the darker side of human nature by coming face to face with it, then this book is written for you. Scroll up and click on the Buy Now button at the top of this page.

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5 Sterne! Diese Mordserie war mir bisher nicht bekannt und auch wenn sie schon lange her ist, so ist sie in ihrem Ausmaß und Boshaftigkeit erschreckend. Dem Autor gelingt es sehr gut, die Geschichte aus der Perspektive des Mittäters zu schildern. Im letzten Viertel des Buches geht er dann noch auf die polizeilichen Ermittlungen und die juristische Aufarbeitung ein. Mir hat besonders gut gefallen, dass er klarstellt, dass die bekannten Tatsachen sich zum Teil auf den Schilderungen des...


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