
Gone Tonight -

Gone Tonight

von Sarah Pekkanen

"This riveting, original, and powerful mother-daughter story kept me glued to the pages." Colleen Hoover"Filled with buried secrets and jaw-dropping deception, Sarah Pekkanen's GONE TONIGHT is a page-turning thriller about a mother-daughter you won't soon forget." Harlan CobenCatherine Sterling thinks she knows her mother. Ruth Sterling is quiet, hardworking, and lives for her daughter. All her life, it's been just the two of them against the world. But now, Catherine is ready to spread her wings, move from home, and begin a new career. And Ruth Sterling will do anything to prevent that from happening. Ruth Sterling thinks she knows her daughter. Catherine would never rebel, would never question anything about her mother's past or background. But when Ruth's desperate quest to keep her daughter by her side begins to reveal cracks in Ruth's carefully-constructed world, both mother and daughter begin a dance of deception. No one can know Ruth's history. There is a reason why Ruth kept them moving every few years, and why she was ready--in a moment's notice--to be gone in the night. But danger is closing in. Is it coming from the outside, from Ruth's past? Is Ruth reaching a breaking point? Or is the danger coming from the darkness that may live in Catherine, herself?More praise for GONE TONIGHT"Captivating from beginning to end." - Samantha Downing

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Absolut fesselnd - absolutely compelling

Ruth und ihre 24-jährige Tochter Catherine sind unzertrennlich. Es gab immer nur beide zusammen und sie sind alle paar Jahre gemeinsam umgezogen. Jetzt will Catherine aus- und wegziehen, was Ruth beunruhigt, denn sie will ihre Tochter unbedingt bei sich haben...

Je mehr Ruth versucht ihre Tochter festzuhalten, desto mehr hinterfragt Catherine die Gründe dafür. Schließlich findet sie heraus, dass sie ihre Mutter im Grunde gar nicht kennt und die Wahrheit außerhalb Ruths perfekt...


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