
The Truth of You -

The Truth of You

von Iain S. Thomas

This is the truth of you. Because you are all I see. Because you are all I breathe. Because when I cannot find you, I am lost. Because when I'm with you, I am found. Because you have the fire of the universe in you, and sometimes you forget. So this book is here to remind you. Dear You, I want you to know that I see you. I want you to know that even if no one else does, even if you are a ghost in this bookshop, or just the static floating across the screen of your computer, wherever you're reading this, I see you. I see you in the dark and I see you in the grey. I see you as a story, as words I have spoken or may yet speak. Maybe only in a memory or a dream. I see your hands and your arms and your body and your legs and your face and I see what you have been and what you will be. I see you and in looking at you, I want you to know that whoever you've had to be to survive all this, I will not look away. I want you to know that there's a space inside this book for you. So if you have the time and the inclination, you can sit here with me, just for a while. And perhaps between us, we can see everything that matters. -pleasefindthis

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Bewegende Gedichte und schöne Zeichnungen

Dieser Gedichtband ist in mehrere Abschnitte gegliedert, welche die Gedichte thematisch in "glückliche Beziehung", "Trennung", "Neubeginn" u.ä. unterteilen. Die meisten Gedichte umfassen nur wenige Zeilen, gelegentlich finden sich längere dazwischen. Hübsche, liebevolle schwarz-weiß Zeichnungen fangen die Stimmung der Gedichte perfekt ein.

Insgesamt hat mir diese Zusammenstellung gut gefallen. Die Gedichte haben mich berührt und einige regten mich zum Verweilen und Nachdenken an. Auch...


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240 Seiten
Andrews McMeel
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 4 (1 Bewertung)

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