
A Little Wanting Song - Cath Crowley

A Little Wanting Song

von Cath Crowley

A summer of friendship, romance, and songs in major chords. . . .

CHARLIE DUSKIN loves music, and she knows she's good at it. But she only sings when she's alone, on the moonlit porch or in the back room at Old Gus's Secondhand Record and CD Store. Charlie's mom and grandmother have both died, and this summer she's visiting her grandpa in the country, surrounded by ghosts and grieving family, and serving burgers to the local kids at the milk bar. She's got her iPod, her guitar, and all her recording equipment, but she wants more: A friend. A dad who notices her. The chance to show Dave Robbie that she's not entirely unspectacular.

ROSE BUTLER lives next door to Charlie's grandfather and spends her days watching cars pass on the freeway and hanging out with her troublemaker boyfriend. She loves Luke but can't wait to leave their small country town. And she's figured out a way: she's won a scholarship to a science school in the city, and now she has to convince her parents to let her go. This is where Charlie comes in. Charlie, who lives in the city, and whom Rose has ignored for years. Charlie, who just might be Rose's ticket out.

Told in alternating voices and filled with music, friendship, and romance, Charlie and Rose's "little wanting song" is about the kind of longing that begins as a heavy ache but ultimately makes us feel hopeful and wonderfully alive.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Musikalische Ode an das Leben


Cover: Das eigentliche Cover ist schwarz-weiß mit dem Portrait eines Mädchens, wahrscheinlich Charlie. Daneben bunte Blumen, Unbeschwertheit. Jugend. Das suggeriert das Cover. Ein Jugendroman.

Eindrücke/Inhalt: Dies ist eine eher ruhige Geschichte ohne großen Spannungsbogen, ohne viel Aufhebens. Es geht um Freundschaft, um Liebe, um Familie. Es geht ums Erwachsenwerden, die Probleme der Pubertät, um das Gefühl von Zugehörigkeit. Um das...


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Jugendbücher ab 11 Jahre
228 Seiten
Juni 2010
Random House Children's Books
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 3 (1 Bewertung)

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