
Mad River Road - Joy Fielding

Mad River Road

von Joy Fielding

After spending a year in prison, Ralph has explicit plans for his first night of freedom: tonight, someone will be held accountable. He goes to murderous lengths to learn the address of his former wife - the woman he blames for his fate. Determined to bring her to his idea of justice, Ralph's next step is to travel from Florida to Ohio to find his ex-wife's house on Mad River Road.Also in Florida, Jamie Kellogg wakes from the agonizing nightmare of her mother's funeral, and assesses her life: she's a twenty-nine-year-old woman in a dead-end job, with an ex-husband in Atlanta, a married lover in the hospital, and a virtual stranger in her bed. But this stranger is everything the previous men in her life weren't: tender, attentive, and adventurous. After convincing Jamie to quit her miserable job and ditch her judgmental, perfectionist sister, Ralph proposes a romantic getaway. While Jamie wonders if this thrilling man might finally be her Prince Charming, they plan a road trip to visit his son, who lives with his mother on a street called Mad River Road. As riveting and beguiling as Joy Fielding's previous novels, Mad River Road is a tale of courage, truth, and the need to trust one's instincts.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Bereits beim Klappentext sollte man entscheiden, ob diese Art des Buchs einem liegt

Der sehr detaillierte Klappentext gibt die Handlung des Buchs quasi bereits wieder. Man kann sich vorher entscheiden, ob diese Art von Buch einem liegt oder nicht. Passend zu meinem sonstigen Geschmack (ich mag keine Horror-Bücher, auch wenn dieses eher ein Thriller als eine Horror-Geschichte ist) hat mir dieses Buch weniger gut gefallen. An der Schreibart der Autorin ist nichts auszusetzen, sie schreibt unterhaltsam und abwechslungsreich. Konkret bei diesem Buch war mir die Handlung - das...


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432 Seiten
April 2012
Doubleday Canada
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 4.3 (5 Bewertungen)

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