
NaNoWriMo: A Cheater's Guide (Write Better Books, #1) - Laura Roberts

NaNoWriMo: A Cheater's Guide (Write Better Books, #1)

von Laura Roberts

Never won National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) before? Struggling to figure out what you're doing wrong?

You need to start cheating.

Your mother may have told you that "cheaters never win, and winners never cheat," but put that bunkum aside.

Winners work the system.

Winners use the tools to their own advantage.

Winners never stop writing.

And winners sure as hell don't believe that writing "The End" just because you hit 50K means you wrote a successful novel.

The Cheater's Guide to NaNoWriMo will hold your hand through all of the tips, tricks, cheats and hacks you'll need to finally finish that novel, get it off your hard drive, and publish it where real people can actually read it.

You may not become the next Stephen King, but you WILL finish your novel and win NaNoWriMo this year.

Ready to learn how? Join the Cheaters and beat the system.

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Hinweis: Bei NaNoWriMo handelt es sich um das internationale Schreibprojekt "National Novel Writing Month", bei dem jeder Teilnehmer versucht, im Monat November ein Buch (bzw, einen ersten Entwurf für ein Buch) mit mindestens 50.000 Wörtern zu schreiben. Was 1999 als Scherz in einer kleinen Gruppe von Freuden begann, hat 2016 schon weit über 400.000 Teilnehmer. Ich persönlich werde dieses Jahr zum fünften Mal teilnehmen.

Wie ich auf dieses eBook gestoßen bin, weiß ich gar nicht mehr....


Weitere Infos

September 2015
Buttontapper Press
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 2 (1 Bewertung)

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