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<3 <3 <3

Legend - Katy Evans

von Katy Evans

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

Englische Rezi

4.5 Stars (Spoiler- Just read if you´ve read the whole series)

Loved this book. Loved this series in general. I have now tears in my eyes because I don´t want it to end. I want to read more. Especially about Remy and Brooke (My favorites of all). Maverick and Reese come close. Fell in love with both of them from the beginning. I sensed that Maverick is Scorpions son, so there was no surprise, but I loved that he was so different to his dad. But when I remember that Nora had a thing with Scorpion who now, after reading that he has a son nearly the same age as nora, is older than I thought when reading first about him... It makes me question Nora more and it´s kinda gross. However. I could identify myself a bit with Reese. I´m also introvert, a bit shy and not so talkactive and understand how she felt. I´m glad that Maverick could help Oz at the end and I´m also glad that Katy Evans wrote a little part about the other characters as well (in the back under Dear Readers), because in Ripped there was no answer to if Pandora and Mackenna found their daughter. And now I know :) I also love all these little things Katy Evens put in her stories. This time the penny and the kiss in hand. Maverick and Reese seemed like the new Remy and Brooke at the end :) ....I liked Remy for accepting Maverick just like that. He hated Scorpion, especially after he poisoned Brooke. It was great of him to really look at Maverick and seeing that he´s a great guy and not like his dad.

There are just two things I didn´t like about this book/ the story.
First: Remy seemed to me sometimes like he´s a 40/50 year old Man who wants to give advice to a much less experienced little boy, although he´s just 30 or 31 and not that much older than Maverick. For me it didn´t feel like the Remy I´ve read about in the first 3 books. :/
And second: I wanted Remy to win his last fight. And I wanted Melanie, Greyson, Pandora & Co to be with him and watch him fighting this last time. And if not winning it would have been great to find another way instead of loosing. Don´t know- like handing over the championship (although both are probably too proud to do do that/accept that ;) )
But that´s just my opinion....

The only thing I´ve been wondering about is just that Reese didn´t got pregnant. She was a virgin and after this first time they didn´t protect anymore. I would have loved to have them having a baby :D

I adored Racer the whole time. I love pregnancies and kids in books. So cute and adorable and him with his dimple and this little fist bump and how he speaks... :D

Well. I really really really hope that one day Katy Evans will want to write more books in this series. I know there won´t come any more soon but I still hope, because I still have unanswered questions.
I want to read more about Brooke and Remy. Their life after the birth of Racer. How Remy feels and acts when he´s black around Racer. And now how he´s living with being Bipolar after quitting his career. I mean it must be difficult, because this workout and so on was his way of powering himself out and not becoming restless and black, right? So I´d like to read more about this. And I want more of this little buddy and his little fist bumps :D
I also want to know what happens to Coach, Riley, Pete and Diane now after Remy quit?
Also - Has Riley found a girl? He was into Melanie, but she´s with Greyson. Riley is the only one now without a girl and a happy end.

Well. I´m really glad I´ve started reading this series a few years (no idea when I read Real the first time) ago. I probably will fall in love again and again with Remy and the other characters whenever I read these books. So Thank you Katy Evans for writing books, characters and stories I fell in love with and for those imaginary ppl I will miss from now on :)