
Adventures of a jilted bride

The Lucky Escape -

The Lucky Escape
von Laura Jane Williams

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

For once I remembered what the blurb said - that Annie is saying "yes" to everything from now on - and expected something like "Yes Man", the movie with Jim Carrey. But it isn't like that at all, because Annie isn't actually saying "yes". But she is evaluating her life and the choices she made so far, and thinks about changing some of her ways.

One thing she doesn't change is the planned trip to Australia, only that now a different man is coming along on her honeymoon. As a platonic friend, of course. But will it stay platonic after 3 weeks being together 24/7?

I found the 'ending' after the return to London way too drawn out. It probably wasn't supposed to be an ending, just the second half of the book. But I have to admit that I'd lost interest in the story a bit by then. I finished the book nevertheless, I liked the ending (the actual one I mean) and all in all it was a nice "escape" from everday life.