
Animorphs 05 - The Predator

The Predator - K.A. Applegate

The Predator
von K.A. Applegate

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

The Invasion, The Visitor, The Encounter and The Message should be read before this book.

This book is written in Marco's view. 

Marco and his dad suffer the loss of his mother/wife. He starts to having strange dreams.


Ax, the Andalite, would like to go home, to his planet, and therefore the group decided to find something to call a ship.

Unfortunately this is a trap and they are caught.

Not only they were caught by Visser Three, also Visser One, in human form, is there.

And some of the group are shocked too see who Visser One is....


Cannot stop reading, looking forward to read The Capture.