

The Paris Secret - Karen Swan

The Paris Secret
von Karen Swan

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen


Thanks to Netgalley and Pan McMillan for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have been pretty excited to read another book by Karen Swan because over the past years I became a big fan of her books and her writing.
The premise of this book was also very intriguing: a hidden apartment, closed over lots of years, filled with rare paintings and artefacts. The beginning of the book was also very interesting and mysterious. I really wanted to find out what it is all about.

Unfortunately I got bored with the details about the paintings and its buyers really quickly. The story could never grab me and I found it dragging more and more. There wasn't very much happening either.
It was also very hard to connect with the characters and I had some troubles following all the names. The love story came way too quickly and I couldn't feel it at all.

The atmosphere of the book was really amazing, especially in the beginning. All the mysteries, secrets and what was hidden in the apartment was pretty fascinating but unfortunately it couldn't hold my interest throughout the book.

This book leaves me very disappointed as I had very high hopes about this book. I will definetely keep reading Karen Swan's books though.