
Don't look back in anger

What If? -

What If?
von Shari Low

Bewertet mit 4.5 Sternen

This book covers a span of about 12 years, from the late 80s up until 1999. It was also written 20 years ago, which I didn't minded a bit. I still remember those times before social media and smartphones myself.

It seems a bit exaggerated that Carly had no problem at all to always find a job and on top of that a man who was totally in love with her. No matter where she went, it all turned out great for her. But maybe she was simply that good at her job managing night-clubs, and maybe she was so stunning to appeal to all those men. I didn't really care, because I really liked Carly and especially the way Shari Low narrated her quest to re-visit her former boyfriends to find an answer to her question "What if I hadn't run away that time? What if he was the one for me?"

It reminded me of the movie "What's your number" with Anna Faris, who is on a similar search for her true love. But it also quite original in its plot. You can guess that she is not ending up with the first men she is hunting down, since so much of the book is still left. But you're still not sure how it will all end (although I guessed the 'final' guy correctly), and at the final wedding scene everything seems possible.

Very funny and entertaining chick-lit by Shari Low, who once again focusses not only on the love part of her story but also on a very tight friendship between a group of girls, whose scenes I enjoyed just as much as the ones with the lads.