
Entertaining, touching and informative

Born a Crime - Trevor Noah

Born a Crime
von Trevor Noah

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

This is, hands down, one of the best books I've read in my entire life! Trevor Noah is, in my humble opinion, also one of the best comedians of our time as he has this unique way of telling a story. He can make you giggle with a sad story just because of how he phrases it and also without disrespecting the sadness or the horror of what actually happens.
The same way he phrases on stage, he writes his book. It is very easy to understand and all the time I heard his voice in my head as if he was telling me the story of his life.

'Born a crime' is an emotional rollercoaster. You giggle, you laugh, but you are also touched and shocked. But most of all: you are being informed! After reading this book, ignorance is even less an excuse than it was before. You learn a part of south african history in the most entertaining way there could possibly be. The sense of danger, the hardcore racism, the loyalty and love between mother and son - everything finds it's place in a very natural way. Trevor Noah also explains, how he perceived it growing up. It is not just 'this and that happened', he explains how he felt and why. This is very important to me as I feel, that we lack a lot of compassion because the western world cannot fathom how destructive Apartheid actually was. This book is a perfect inside view.

I have often read and heard, that 'born a crime' is a love letter to Trevors Mother. After reading the book I couldn't agree more. Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah is the most astonishing, strong and independent woman I have encountered while reading a book (I have yet to meet someone like that in person). She is a role model for everyone and I was very impressed by her, by her strength and her willpower.