
Entertaining YA with serious aspects

The Divergent Series Complete Collection - Veronica Roth

The Divergent Series Complete Collection
von Veronica Roth

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

The first volume is a nicely fast paced YA – Novel, well told and gripping. The story is not very challenging, but with a nice intense flow. The dystopian setup of a half ruined Metropole, surrounded by a fence, its inhabitants sorted into 5 factions according to disposition and choice remains simple. Yet it is a lively read to choose a faction and jump with first person narrator, 16 year old Tris, on and off moving ghostlike trains, face dangers, make friends and enemies and discover secrets hidden under the superficial order of things.

The second volume, called `Insurgent` looses some of this charme. The circumstances are permanent dire. Tris is constantly troubled as is her budding relationship with boyfriend Four. Guilt, betrayal, lies, doubt, more betrayal and more guilt....fair enough but … well … less well told and less gripping. Still the culmination in the fighting with and against the Factionless and the aspect of the revolution, where the rebels establish in no time a similar cruel system as the dominates they aimed to remove is quite sparkling and has merit. The secret message is out, so lets move to novel nº 3 `Allegiant`.

What is behind the fence, what is behind the factions and being divergent? The last volume comes along more strong. Discovering the surroundings of their city and facing the reality behind the faction system and its origins challenges Tris and Four further. Told with their changing point of view they continue to grow, uncover authoritarian lies and make difficult decisions. Be brave, find love and truth. Ha never easy and the author herself is brave in this final novel. The story gets more deep and and the recurring aspects of human societies are more strongly elaborated. The human carousel of a network of personalities, power, belief, manipulation and always abuse of power and rebellion against it is turning. Wondering how young persons are affected by this fantasy series, I like the serious ending. Overall a positive reading experience even if the dystopia is simplistic and the characterisation a little rough.