
Fast paced "guns & cops" thriller

22 Seconds -

22 Seconds
von James Patterson

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

I've read only a couple of the books in the "Womens Murder Club"-series, and thus wasn't so familiar with all the names, their respective professions and partners. But with the help of Google I had it soon all figured out. Plus, after a few chapters the story focusses on one character (and her partner), which made it easier to follow everything.

As usual, James Patterson uses very short chapters and also jumps around in settings and sometimes even point of view. This makes it very fast paced, but also a bit hectiv. A couple of times I wished I could have stayed longer in one chapter.

But overall I enjoyed this newest addition to his "Womens Murder Club" a lot. I used to prefer his Alex Cross series, but I have to say that this book here is just as good.