
Good book

The Ten Thousand Doors of January - Alix E. Harrow

The Ten Thousand Doors of January
von Alix E. Harrow

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

I've heard a lot of good things about the book, which is why I really wanted to read it myself. Since English is not my first language, I hesitated a little longer to finally read the book, but now I've done it. It was a little difficult for me to get into the book because I had to get used to the writing style first. At the beginning I did not understand immediately that the chapters are divided into the view of January and then into each chapter of the book “The ten thousand doors”. But after I understood this, I was able to follow the story very well and I was able to cheer for January. The book reminded me directly of “The Starless Sea”. It is a very extraordinary story, behind which there is more hiding than you might first think.


January is an extraordinary person. She begins a journey on which she not only gets to know herself, but also her parents and life better, and finds the meaning of life there. I was very happy to accompany January on this trip because I really enjoyed the change she made. She went from being a shy girl to a young self-confident woman who stands up for herself and her friends.

Through the action, you get to know more and more people who play a major role in the course of the action. They are all important to the book and to January's development. I really enjoyed the fact that nobody plays an unimportant role, but that everything is connected and ultimately forms a large overall concept.


I liked the book a lot. Due to the extraordinary writing style, it was often difficult to really understand the feelings and a little harder to follow the action at the beginning. “The ten thousand doors of January” gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars from me.