
History explained for kids

The Story of People: A First Book about Humankind
von Catherine Barr Steve Williams

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

My son (5 yrs) was recently interested in how humans derived from apes, and although I tried to explain to him the process and that it took thousands of years, he couldn't really understand the concept. This book helped him to visualize what I was trying to explain.

And I think this is the main objective of this book. 'The Story of People' does not aim at being a scientific paper on how mankind evolved from the jungle of Africa to where we are today. It rather provides information on the milestones in this development process that can be discussed further. If you look through this book with a child, you wouldn't only read out the little sentences printed next to the very detailed illustrations, but you would (hopefully) get into a conversation with the child about the short facts that are stated here, which even include topics like slavery and pollution.

This book is a very good aid to help young readers understand certain things that might seem too complex for adults to explain in an appropriate manner.