
I love Keldary, she is the paladine of Tortall

First Test - Tamora Pierce

First Test
von Tamora Pierce

After reading the description of this book I thought: "Oh no, Alanna part 2."

Good thing I still read it. I loved Alanna as a character, her problems, her sense for right and wrong, her ambitions. But Keldary was even better. She was so much more and she didn't even have magic to help her. I love this third series about the people of Tortall and I can only recommand it.

As far as I know they only translated the first book of this four book series but I think it is a good series to start reading English. The language is not too complicated and the books are pretty short.

If you liked reading about Alanna and Daine, try Keldary. It's worth it.