
I really love soup...

I Love Soup - Beverly Le Blanc

I Love Soup
von Beverly Le Blanc

I love soup - that's why I fell for this book the moment I saw the title. (Almost) any kind of soup actually and I always make them from scratch. A book that offers not only a wonderful variety of delicious soups (Okay, I haven't tried all of them yet but....) but also lists recipes for basic stocks and helpful hints that are also interesting for me as a rather "seasoned cook" and not just for beginnners, goes a long way to being really awesome!

Those who know some of my reviews know that I also love to bake bread  and - well, I can't think of anything better to go along with a delicous soup than a fresh bread - and in this book you can also find a number of recipes for bread of all kind. Grissini, Soda Bread, Polenta ...and some others equally good sounding.
Apart from that, as my daughters and I have to deal with such things like wheat- or laktose-intolerance, I loved that there are symbols at the top of the recipes indicating whether the recipes are dairy-free, wheat-free, nut-free, vegetarian or vegan.

The recipes themselves are not just well presented and easy-to.follow but there are also so many very very different ones that everybody should find something  - or some more. Well placed and absolutely apetizing photos accompany the recipes and make it difficult to decide which one looks best. At the moment I'm working my way through them but it will take me some time to try them all.
No matter what, this book is really great and I can definitely recommend it!