
I wanted you to be the one great thing in my life

King of Dublin - Lisa Henry

King of Dublin
von Lisa Henry

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Right in time for St Patricks Day I had the honor of reading King of Dublin. You know quite early that this book contains violence, rape, angst and torture and sticks with it to the end. You'll ask yourself how far will it go and the writers know how to surprise you over and over again. 
This sounds like something bad and yes, you need a strong stomach, but it's a wonderful read. The writing is catchy as are the characters! All of them not just Darragh and Ciaran. Once started I couldn't put the book down anymore. This story had me near to tears more than once. Darragh is lovable like a golden retriver and you wish for him to find love in all that darkniss that is over Ireland. Along the way you also just want them to die so they're out of their misery. 
I would have wished for more stolen little happy moments inside Borus Castle to get a better feeling of the connection between Darragh and Ciaran, but that's just my cheesy romantic wish, it's working just fine without it.