
Incredibly touching ...

This Star Won't Go Out - Esther Earl, Lori Earl, Wayne Earl

This Star Won't Go Out
von Esther Earl

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

I don’t quite remember when or where I first heard of this book, but I did and that was why I had to pick it up in Hatchard’s when I was in London. Before I started reading this I thought this book had been written by this young girl who had been unfortunate enough to get cancer and was currently fighting for her life. Turns out, I was only partly right …

Ester Earl already passed away five years ago. In 2010. Also, this book is more a collage; a collage that contains snippets of Esther’s notebook, in which she wrote during her sickness. Her thoughts. Her wishes. Her past. Parts of a blog her parents created to keep their friends and family updated are taken and pasted. Passages, written by her doctors and friends, made me like cry. A lot.

John Green, who was lucky enough to meet her, wrote the introduction, which is really beautiful and touching.

I don’t think there is anything I don’t like about this book. It was capturing and I couldn’t stop. I wanted to know who this girl was and how she managed to reach and move and touch so many hearts. Thus, I finished this book in like a day.

In retrospect, what I like the most is that Esther wasn’t pictured as this perfect girl. No, she was normal. Like me. Like you. She had her faults and she was no superhuman. She was scared, but most of all she loved with an open heart. At least, that’s what I thought while “getting to know her”. I am so sorry that she and also other children like her get sick, before they even get the chance to appreciate their lives … It makes me really sad.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars, not because it was so eloquently well written, but because it touched me. It made me think about my own life. My own future and I am thankful that I still have one.