
Lacks a bit of creativity

When Life Gives You Lemons - Fiona Gibson

When Life Gives You Lemons
von Fiona Gibson

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

The plot of "When life gives you lemons" is by no means very original: Husband leaves his wife for a better looking colleague. Wife tries to come to terms with her new situation as a single mother.
But the story sounds relatable and Viv a very likable character. I also enjoyed the writing style very much. The title of the book could have been a bit more creative, but it still served its purpose (i.e. getting my attention to pick up this book!).

The only thing I would find fault with is the fact that the plot is a bit too slow and uneventful after the husband has moved out (at least until new people enter the scene). Fiona Gibson could have incorporated a lot more anecdotes with daugther Izzy, for example. Or anything else actually.