
Lose yourself to find yourself

Passport to Happiness - Carrie Stone

Passport to Happiness
von Carrie Stone

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

The publisher advertises the book with "Eat, Pray, Love meets Bridget Jones", and  it's a fair description with our main character travelling around the world to find herself again. She swaps the spiritual part (that I'm not a fan of anyway) for a time of luxury in Bermuda, that surprinsingly doesn't make her really happy. I liked it a lot that the author / character touches on those topics and in short comes to the conclusion that having lots of nice things and being able to party every night isn't all that great as it may sound. Her heart is more set on doing something meaningful, preferably charitable and involving animals.

Of course there also some men crossing her path. However, this alone doesn't make her a Bridget Jones, mostly because Fieldings writing style is so full of wit and esprit - and I didn't see that in Carrie Stone's writing. 

Anyhow, I liked accompanying Everly on her travels and her dates. I actually would like to visit all three countries / islands myself now! I also appreciated the message that Carrie Stone gets across with this book: If you find yourself you'll (automatically) find happiness as well.