
Magical Christmas Village

The Post Box at the North Pole -

The Post Box at the North Pole
von Jaimie Admans

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

Jaimie Admans describes an absolutely gorgeous place in the very north of the Norwegian forests. A winder wonderland with Christmas themed cabins and glass igloos where you can watch the Northern Lights from your bed. This alone would be reason enough for me to spent a holiday there, but there is also Santa's Grotto, a reindeer sanctuary and lots, Mrs. Cringle kitchen, an elf workshop and a postoffice for all the letters Santa receives from children all over the world.

Unfortunaltey, almost all of these cabins are abandoned right now. And that's why Sasha comes to the rescue! Her dad is the current owner of the village, and needs all the help he can get.

I instantly fell in love with the setting, and also with Sasha and Tav. They are both very likable characters, so no wonder that it didn't take long for them to develop an interest in each other. Although Jaimie Admans could have done a better job of describing their flirtatious stage - actually there was no flirting at all - which lead to me not really 'feeling' their love story. Also, in the last third of the book there was a bit unnecessary drama and some actions that I couldn't really comprehend.

All in all a very cute book in a picture perfect setting that could be improved in terms of character development.