

Matched - Ally Condie

von Ally Condie

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

The book is written in first person, from Cassia's view.

She is seventeen and will be assigned by the Society to whom she is matched. And can decide when she is 21 years old if she wants to set up a contract with her Match.


The Society doesn't only decide whom you are going to be matched, it is also that they decide what you will do and that you are also only allowed to keep one object from the past, an artefact.


During the banquet she receive the information that her Match is her best friend Xander with whom she grown up. But later the day she sees another picture, Ky who is also a friend whom she grown up, but it seems to be it was changed.

She then learns that Ky is an Aberration, that means his father has done something wrong in the eyes of the Society, but he lives with his uncle and aunt since he is ten.


Cassia needs to decide what she will do with her assigned Match or will she question the Society.