
Oh Preppy

Tyrant - T. M. Frazier

von T. M. Frazier

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

3,75 Stars
(Info: You might just want to read this review if you already read King)

Oh Preppy, oh Preppy <3

Yesterday I read King, now I read Tyrant and I can´t wait to read more.

I loved Tyrant as well, but somehow not as much as I loved King.

I´m still in love with the characters. King, Preppy and now even Bear after I got to know him better in this book. Doe is great too, but... I really don´t know what it is but I just can´t connect to her completely. I was slightly bored in the middle of this book when there were a few chapters just of her point of view. Especially after Bears Dad delivered the "News" .....SPOILER START: To be honest-it was boring. She thought he was dead while I knew all the time that he couldn´t be, because there are more books to come- logic ;) SPOILER END ......I rather like reading Kings point of view. His life was more interesting as he is just the way he is and because of everything he´s doing.

I didn´t like Tanner from the beginning. Even in King. He was too nice to be likeable in my opinion. Therefore I wasn´t really surprised with the way the story continued and how it ended. Never had the feeling he could be the one for Doe.

I really, really, really loooooved Preppy. I can def. understand why he seems to be the fave character for everyone. He´s just awesome. I love how TM Frazier was able to write him into this book as well. His scenes always either made my grin or made me tearing up or both at the same time. I also now understand more the pancake thing- Because...Pancakes :P

One of the best parts of this book were all scenes with the children. So cute and adorable. Just awwww. I´m a sucker for stories with babies and kids and love how kids talk and act. Really just: awww. I was grinning all the time while reading those scenes. :D

As I already mentioned in my review to King, I am missing emotions. It would make it easier to connect completely with everyone. I´d love to have read more about their feelings about Preppy, about their past, their current situations .....SPOILER START: Doe wasn´t really grieving after she learned about King´s death. Most women would break down, crying when they hear that the love of their life died. But not here- not really :/ SPOILER END.....  Sadness, anger, love, fear, etc. It would make them more real. Everything happened so fast- like scene,cut, scene, cut, scene, cut. It was the same with the first book. It could have been a bit darker as well. Eli, Isaac & Co- why not writing scenes that make my skin crawl? There is so much potential. I´m glad that TM Frazier isn´t afraid to write about scenes I don´t often read-like rape, but still... it feels like it was just mentioned and that´s it. I need more insight in what the characters feel before, during and after those scenes. More suffering when sth happened, although sometimes when sth happened in the past or at the moment (f.e. What Preppy´s Dad did to Preppy, and what happened to Bear in Tyrant) I feel sorry for the characters. But the aftermath is missing- the psychological aspects. But that´s just my opinion.

There were quite a lot mistakes in Tyrant as well. I hope some editor will work on that someday.

I read this book in one sitting so I def. enjoyed it.
I loved how the book ended. I was really happy for King :)
I think there were no questions left- at least for this couple.

Book No. 3 will be read asap! <3