
On the contrary!

Sense and Sensibility. Verstand und Gefühl, englische Ausgabe - Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility. Verstand und Gefühl, englische Ausgabe
von Jane Austen

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

In "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen the social life of two girls, Elinor and Marianne, in their late teens is depicted. After the death of their father, who bequeathes all his money to his first wife's son, the Dashwood misses move by invitation of their relatives to a smaller cottage at Barton Park. New company is acquainted, lots of dinners and partys are arranged and journeys are gone.

Austen wrote her novel in third person narrator. The reader gets views of each character, mostly of Elinor's mind, and its interaction with other people of this play. Her writing style is straight and precise without symbolic circumlocution but lots of character's describing adjectives. Very sarcastic and partly hilarious. The portrayal is gorgeous! Among all that Jane Austen put dealing themes like wealth, love, communicative competition, dreams and feminity of her time.

It is a piece of authorical dichotomy, already expressed in "Sense and Sensibility". The novel's populated society is very unique in each self. The reader is going to find a mixture of all time people's caricatures. Amazing!