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The Names They Gave Us - Emery Lord

The Names They Gave Us
von Emery Lord

Bewertet mit 1 Sternen

Admitting time: I didn't read the summary of this title. I knew Lord from her 2015 book "The start of you and me" and liked that one, as well as this beautiful cover here. Emery Lord is a name that I stock in store, nomatter what subject, so I liked to know what it was about. Admitting time Nr2: I should have read the summary. I am really sorry, while being grateful to be granted to read an advance copy. This is not my cup of tea. Right in the first chapter the word "bible" stuck out to me and after some research on Goodreads I have to admit ( Nr3) that I have to much to read for spending time wasting on this title. Religion is a trigger subject for me. I'm sure this title will find its audiance, sadly it's not me.