
Take Me #1.

Take Me For Granted - K. A. Linde

Take Me For Granted
von K. A. Linde

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

“You’re my life raft in an endless ocean. You saved me from drowning. You saved me from myself.”

Take Me For Granted by K.A. Linde is the first book in her Take Me series. This book also marks my first venture into the literary world of this author and probably my last. This book fell a short for me in its execution. I do like a novel with the bad boy/good girl trope; however, this one just didn't do it for me, nothing spectacular. And unfortunately there was a situation in this book that I found pretty deplorable so I simply couldn't look past it.

This is a storyline that has been done many times. Many, many times. Bad boy meets good girl, pursues good girl, good girl relents, bad boy wants to be a better man, angst and drama, then a happy forever. Or in this case, it was more of a happy for now. For me, nothing really made this book stand out. And then something happened at the very beginning of the book which totally annoyed the crap out of me. Safe to say, the book just went downhill from there. The last 20% didn't help matters at all. The drama was childish and so contrived. I didn't really like anyone.

I really don’t remember reading book so cliché and so unoriginal. Every single dramatic thing you can think of was there. The same storyline I’ve read about 1000 times before was used here.

So no ‘real, full lenght’ review from me this time. Sorry. I’m onto my next read. Hope it’ll be fabulous, though.

Really disappointed...