
To live and to love in Colorado

The Best Of Us (Sullivan's Crossing, Book 4) - Robyn Carr

The Best Of Us (Sullivan's Crossing, Book 4)
von Robyn Carr

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

This was my first visit to Sullivan's Crossing, and I really enjoyed my stay.
The story does not center around one of the Jones' sibling this time. It's the new doctor in town that gets all the attention this time, especially from pub owner Rob. They make a cute couple and seem perfect together, but each of them has their own reasons for wanting to take things slow.

All of the main characters from the previous books make at least a short appearance, but you really don't need to have read them in order to understand this story. Sully makes sure that the reader knows about the relationships in his family.

I found the writing very easy to read. Sometimes too easy, actually. There are paragraphs where three sentences in a row start with "And...", later there was a passage full of sentences starting with "They..." or "Then...". It felt like an enumeration of things happening instead of a narration. Fortunately this didn't strike my eye too often, for the most part I liked the style of Robyn Carr. The story was great, too. My favorite scene in the whole book was the surprise dinner arranged by Finn and Sean, that was really cute!