
12 Years a Slave, Film Tie-In - Solomon Northup

12 Years a Slave, Film Tie-In

von Solomon Northup

Tricked by two men offering him a job as a musician in New York State in 1841, Solomon Northup was drugged and kidnapped. His life in jeopardy, he was forced to assume a new name and fake past. Taken to Louisiana on a disease-ridden plague ship, he was initially sold to a cotton planter. In the twelve years that follow he is sold to many different owners who treat him with varying levels of savagery; forced labour, scant food and numerous beatings are his regular fare. Against all odds, Northup eventually succeeds in contacting a sympathetic party and manages to get word to his family. The ensuing rescue and legal cases are no less shocking and intriguing than the rest of the tale. Northup's meticulous first-hand recordings of slave life provide a true-life testament to tremendous courage and tenacity in the face of unfathomable injustice. A new film premiering in 2014, featuring Brad Pitt and Benedict Cumberbatch, is sure to introduce this amazing story to a new audience.

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Steve McQueens Film “12 Years a Slave” war in den vergangenen Monaten in aller Munde – zurecht, ist der Film doch wirklich ein cineastisches Kunstwerk. Die literarische Vorlage kennen jedoch nur die wenigsten – einer der Gründe, weshalb der britische Regisseur die Geschichte von Solomon Northup verfilmen wollte. Gerade hier in Deutschland sind die Memoiren von Northup bis vor Kurzem unbekannt gewesen, was nicht zuletzt daran lag, dass es keine deutsche Übersetzung des Buches gab! Zum Glück...


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256 Seiten
Dezember 2013
Penguin UK
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 5 (1 Bewertung)

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