Alle Rezensionen von Ira

Eine Sehnsucht im Herzen (Historisch, Liebe) - Patricia Cabot

Eine Sehnsucht im Herzen (Historisch, Liebe)
von Patricia Cabot

Romantische Unterhaltung

Ein weiterer historischer Liebesroman aus der Feder von Patricia Cabot, der mir insgesamt wirklich gut gefiel, wobei man nicht zu sehr auf historische Akuratheit pochen sollte. Es ist ein sehr unterhaltsames und fesselnd geschriebenes Buch, das mit liebenswerten Charakteren und einer spannenden Geschichte überzeugt.

Lady ohne Furcht und Tadel - Lisa Mcabbey

Lady ohne Furcht und Tadel
von Lisa McAbbey

Rundum stimmig und authentisch

Ganz ehrlich, dieses Buch hat mich absolut gefesselt. Ich hatte einfach nur eine nette, romantische und unterhaltsame Geschichte erwartet und bekam stattdessen ein Buch, bei dem einfach alles stimmte.

Fury Freed - Melissa Haag

Fury Freed
von Melissa Haag

Simply amazing

How long have I been waiting for this book? Far too long...even though it's been just a couple of months but I can't say that I've been waiting patiently. Nope. Not at all. I really, really wanted to know how things would go on because, let's face it, those last lines of Fury Focused? That was a bombshell.

Herzhaft backen ohne Mehl - Anja Donnermeyer

Herzhaft backen ohne Mehl
von Anja Donnermeyer

Erschwingliche, glutenfreie Alltagsüche für die ganze Familie

Klar, alles wird nicht jedem schmecken und gerade beim Würzen gehen die Meinungen ja gerne mal auseinander, aber bereits nach den ersten Versuchen kann ich sage, dass mich dieses Buch begeistert. Die Rezepte selber sind einfach umzusetzen und auch für ungeübtere Köche gut zu bewältigen, wobei sie auch sehr schnell zu eigenen Variationen und eigenen Interpretationen einladen.

Verführt von einem Herzensbrecher (Liebe, Historisch) - Patricia Cabot

Verführt von einem Herzensbrecher (Liebe, Historisch)
von Patricia Cabot

Fesselnd und romantisch

Ich lese sehr viele historische Liebesromane, wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich mich hier erst einmal ein wenig umstellen musste. Wer Meg Cabots Stil kennt, wird ihn auch hier wiedererkennen und seine Freude an diesem Buch haben, wer allerdings historische Korrektheit erwartet, wird enttäuscht werden.

Highland Wolf - Hannah Howell

Highland Wolf
von Hannah Howell

Captivating and well told

Wow, another amazing book by Hannah Howell! Once again this book drew me in from the first page on to the very last. I was in for a rollercoaster of emotions, being upset, swooning, crying, being scared and - so much more.

Kleines Land, 5 Audio-CDs - Gael Faye

Kleines Land, 5 Audio-CDs
von Gaël Faye

Eindringlich und intensiv

Puh, dies ist so ein Buch, wo man zusammenzuckt, wenn man überlegt, ob es einem gefällt. Zu sagen, dass es einem gefällt, klingt bei einem Buch wie diesem fast schon zynisch. Es ist ein Buch, das in einer sehr schönen Sprache über sehr viele grausame Dinge berichtet.
Es ist fesselnd und tragisch und es lässt einen nicht los.

A Duke Like No Other - Valerie Bowman

A Duke Like No Other
von Valerie Bowman

Second chance, first choice

Oh my...I loved this book! Right from the beginning the love between Mark Grimaldi and his estranged wife is palpable. You can feel the sparks, you can feel their emotions. Apart from that, they are also two very lovable characters, unique, strong and very much in love despite their estrangement.

Lennon Reborn - Scarlett Cole

Lennon Reborn
von Scarlett Cole

Welcome to the roller coaster of emotions or - wow!

Oh, my.... This book should come with a big fat warning: Bring handkerchiefs, wear no mascara, not even the waterproof kind and  - most important: DON'T READ IN PUBLIC!
Yup, you will cry, believe me and you will close the book, let's say, some chapters in and will scream and rant and you will hate the author. She might redeem herself till the end but - wow, that was a blow.

Someone to Wed - Mary Balogh

Someone to Wed
von Mary Balogh

Simply amazing!

I really enjoyed reading "Someone to Love", the first book in the Westcott series, even though I was a bit frustrated with its hero.
"Someone to Wed", the third book, once again has characters that don't seem to fit and, honestly, Wren Heyden, the heroine, was a bit cold and standoffish at first but you could always feel that there was more and that she was able to be, well, more.

Someone to Wed - Mary Balogh

Someone to Wed
von Mary Balogh

Simply amazing!

I really enjoyed reading "Someone to Love", the first book in the Westcott series, even though I was a bit frustrated with its hero.
"Someone to Wed", the third book, once again has characters that don't seem to fit and, honestly, Wren Heyden, the heroine, was a bit cold and standoffish at first but you could always feel that there was more and that she was able to be, well, more.

Someone to Love - Mary Balogh

Someone to Love
von Mary Balogh

Not your regular hero...

I really loved this book even though Avery and I - well, we won't get any fuzzy and cuddly and such, no. He is definitely a bit too ...much, you could say. His mannerisms are not easy to stomach even though you understand why he uses them and even though I found myself smiling at the mental images of him and his quizzing glass, all ringed fingers and such nonsense inclusive.

The Pleasures of Passion - Sabrina Jeffries

The Pleasures of Passion
von Sabrina Jeffries

Nice and enjoyable story

Where do I start...with my frustration at the times and society in those times and the power men when it came to the lives of the women? Or rather with my frustration that those two, our hero and our heroine could have spared themselves a lot of heartache and worries if they had ever talked about their past. I mean, really talked. Right?

My Commander - Alanea Alder

My Commander
von Alanea Alder

Hilarious and - wow

Had I known how funny and how amazing this book is, I would have read this book a long time ago. It's been on my reader for almost a year now and I did just start reading it because RARE London is near and Aleana Alder will attend. Having heard several times how great her books are from other attendees, I decided that I'd have to check it out - and fell for her books.

Final Siege - Scarlett Cole

Final Siege
von Scarlett Cole

Amazing and fast-paced

When Mac, Malachai MacCarrick receives a phone call that the one woman he could never forget is badly wounded and asking for him, nothing could stop him from rushing to her side. And once there, well, seals are known for their persistence, right? Now that she is back in his life, he will do anything to keep Delaney there. If she wants it or not.

Boy in a White Room - Karl Olsberg

Boy in a White Room
von Karl Olsberg

Spannend und interessant konstruiert dieser Rezension habe ich mich etwas schwer getan, weil ich das Buch selbst eigentlich sehr genial und interessant konstruiert fand, aber dann über das Ende stolperte, das ich persönlich als recht unbefriedigend empfand.

The Duchess Deal - Tessa Dare

The Duchess Deal
von Tessa Dare

Sweet, funny and amazing!

Oh my ...I really really loved this book! I've read other books by Tessa Dare before and really enjoyed reading them as well but The Duchess Deal, well, that one went straight on my list of "most beloved books" because of its wit and its charm and its wonderful and absolutely amazing characters.

Pheromon 1: Sie riechen dich - Rainer Wekwerth, Thariot

Pheromon 1: Sie riechen dich
von Rainer Wekwerth Thariot

Spannendes und lohnenswertes SciFi-Abenteuer

Dass ich die Bücher von Rainer Wekwerth ausgesprochen gerne lese, ist, glaube ich, kein Geheimnis mehr, wenn man mal in meine ganzen Rezensionen guckt. Hier bei Pheromon machte mich natürlich allein schon die Tatsache neugierig, dass er es zusammen mit Thariot geschrieben hat.

A Highland Wolf Christmas - Terry Spear

A Highland Wolf Christmas
von Terry Spear

Didn't find Scrooge but some very loyal werewolves

After having reread "A Very Jaguar Christmas" this Christmas, I just had to read another one (or two) of Terry Spear's books and it had to be something Christmassy as well, of course. So I found "A Highland Wolf Christmas" and "Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas" and started to read - and didn't put my reader down till I had read them both.

Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas - Terry Spear

Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas
von Terry Spear

Christmas with a bunch of werewolves

After having reread "A Very Jaguar Christmas" this Christmas, I just had to read another one (or two) of Terry Spear's books and it had to be something christmassy as well, of course. So I found "A Highland Wolf Christmas" and "Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas" and started to read - and didn't put my reader down till I had read them both.
