Whitethorn Woods - Maeve Binchy

Whitethorn Woods
von Maeve Binchy

Suttree - Cormac McCarthy

von Cormac Mccarthy

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote

In Cold Blood
von Truman Capote

Robopocalipsis - Daniel Wilson

von Daniel Wilson

A Raisin in the Sun - Lorraine Hansberry

A Raisin in the Sun
von Lorraine Hansberry

Historia Universal de la infamia - Jorge Luis Borges

Historia Universal de la infamia
von Jorge Luis Borges

Waterland - Graham Swift

von Graham Swift

Union Atlantic - Adam Haslett

Union Atlantic
von Adam Haslett

The Double Comfort Safari Club - Alexander McCall Smith

The Double Comfort Safari Club
von Alexander McCall Smith

The Stand - Stephen King

The Stand
von Stephen King


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