
This Wicked Fate -

This Wicked Fate

von Kalynn Bayron

THE BREATHTAKING SEQUEL TO THIS POISON HEART, FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR KALYNN BAYRON _______________ 'This duology closer delves deeper into mythology while depicting textured, realistic relationships' - Kirkus Reviews 'A delicious mix of intoxicating fantasy and coming of age, steeped in Greek mythology and peppered with references to the Jordan Peele films Get Out and Us' - Observer New Review on THIS POISON HEART 'This Poison Heart is a book to enjoy on the first read, notate in the rereads, and pump you up for what's to come in its sequel. You should pick up this book!' - blackgirlscreate.org _______________ Briseis's mother is dead, but there is one chance to bring her back: find the last piece of the deadly Absyrtus Heart. If Bri is to locate the missing piece, she must turn to the blood relatives she's never known, learn of their secret powers and take her place in their ancient lineage. But Bri is not the only one who wants the Heart, and her enemies will stop at nothing to fulfil their own ruthless plans. Strengthened by the sisterhood of ancient magic, can she harness her power to save the people she loves most? Kalynn Bayron, bestselling author of Cinderella is Dead and This Poison Heart, returns with the second and final book in this stunning, empowering and inclusive fantasy duology.

Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Befriedigendes Ende, hätte aber mehr Potenzial gehabt

Die leider etwas mittelmäßige Fortsetzung zu »This Poison Heart«, in dem Briseis mithilfe ihrer leiblichen Familie und Marie versucht, ihre Mutter von den Toten zurück zu holen, in dem sie das Absyrtos-Herz wieder zusammensetzt. Aber auch die Gegenseite sucht nach den fehlenden Stücken, was die Sache gefährlich macht. Anders als in Band eins gibt es jetzt ein klares Ziel, weshalb die Story Fahrt aufnimmt und von Anfang an etwas interessanter zu verfolgen ist. Aber trotz einiger...


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400 Seiten
Bloomsbury Academic
Eigene Bewertung: Keine
Durchschnitt: 3.5 (1 Bewertung)

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