
Emotional rollercoaster ride

Wicked Dix - Monica James

Wicked Dix
von Monica James

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Thanks a lot to netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

This book made my heart grew wide, shattered it to pieces, only to slowly put it together again.

I absolutely loved Dixon and Madison together, they were such a sweet couple and I loved how Dixon was showing his romantic side with her. But I absolutely hated him not being honest with her. I was so close to jump into the book shaking him. This is what is really annoying me in books of this genre but on the same site I often love that drama. I love how it breaks and how it brings me to tear. This book did it...from a certain point on I couldn't stop crying. I love it when an author brings me to tears.

I also had my troubles with Dixon trying to handle the Juliet situation. To be honest I don't think I understood his theory completely and for me it lacked in logic as well.

This book was a very emotional ride from swooning, crying and being angry. Call me crazy but I love that mix.