
A magic story

The Traveling Circus
von Mark Watson

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Beautiful illustrations and a story that will spark each child's imagination

A wonderfully illustrated story about a boy and his foldout toy circus... The illustrations are made of lush swirling colors and immediately conjure up a feeling of magic, stirring your fantasy, imagining all the great joys a circus may bring. The short rhyming verses tell a fantastic story every kid will love. For me as an adult, however, once the ringmaster appears to lure the boy into the circus, the story turned towards creepy - guess I'm biased by other clown stories I've read so far...ahem. Of course, I would never tell that to my kid ;)

Of course, children will possibly see the beautiful wonders of a circus world and what it would be like to join its journey. There are different possibilities how to perceive the ending: as a boy's very vivid dream, or as the start of a fantastic journey (imagine a book series about the adventures of a traveling circus!), but maybe, if you're as suspicious as me, also as a warning not to be lured by strangers...

Definitely a book that will not only spark a child's fantasy, but set off a whole firework of ideas on how the story may continue - those books are the best! I can already imagine us gathering plush animals and toys, improvising a magic traveling circus tent and travel around the world with them...