
Abbi and Nathaniel are back.

The Exhibitionist: Submissive 6 - Tara Sue Me

The Exhibitionist: Submissive 6
von Tara Sue Me

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

"Every part of you, no matter how small or big or how it's wired, is what makes you the person you are. And that's the person I love."

The Exhibitionist is the 7th book in the Submissive series and this book continues Nathaniel and Abby’s story.

Tara Sue Me does something that few authors have had the courage to do in BDSM. She follows Nathanial and Abigail into the territory of an established and comfortable marriage.

I really loved watching Nathaniel and Abby's relationship grow. Their dynamic is so intriguing and I love that they have continued to get stronger as time has gone on. Their chemistry is still amazing and I just really like how they work together. But as with any relationship, there are always issues and it's interesting to see how they work through them. There are still things that annoy me about Abby and Nathaniel's Dom/Sub relationship, but they both seemed to be blissfully happy by the last pages so I can't complain.

All in all, The Exhibitionist is another strong addition to the series. This series is one I continue to enjoy and I can't wait to see what happens next.

My Rating:
3.5 Stars