
Annoying protagonist

The Perfect Present - Karen Swan

The Perfect Present
von Karen Swan

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

After recently reading my first novel by Karen Swan, Christmas at Tiffany's which I thoroughly enjoyed, I was excited to start another christmas-themed novel by her. My expectations were pretty high.

Unfortunately I couldn't really connect with this book which was pretty much the "fault" of the main protagonist, Laura. I found her weird and couldn't really get emotionally connected with her despite what she has been through in her life. Kitty was the only character I absolutely loved. I could identify with her as she was a natural and down to earth woman.

The book also had quite a few lengths which could have been cut way shorter. I did enjoy Swan's writing style and story building after all, so I will definetely read more by her. I also liked the message the book was carrying.