
Beauty #3.

Beauty from Love
von Georgia Cates

Bewertet mit 3.5 Sternen

"You were once my beauty from pain, before you became my beauty from surrender. Now you've adapted into something different once again." "And what is that?" "My beauty from love... Forever."

It’s the final book to Jack and Laurelyn’s story!

Beauty from Love picks up right after Beauty from Surrender with Jack Henry and Laurelyn on their honeymoon. Jack's ready to start a family, but Laurelyn's hesitant because she wants to spend some time with her new husband. Laurelyn decides to surprises him on his birthday and let him know she's ready. They don't waste any time. The first half of the book is full of steamy scenes....almost too many if that's possible.

Then starts all the unnecessary drama. Women from Jack Henry's past, one after the other, keep popping up trying to ruin their relationship and win Jack's heart. Laurelyn gets jealous, Jack Henry is paranoid she will leave, then they make up. It happens a few times. Not to mention Laurelyn has a complicated pregnancy, her mom is horrible, and the assault charges against Blake are dropped. I love this series, but this one was just over the top.

I really wanted to give this book more stars but I just couldn't get over some things. I felt like this book was "trying" too hard. There were a lot of little things that added up to be big things that I disliked. I was so disappointed because I felt like this had such great potential to be a great way to end this series. It just fell short for me.

It's like every conceivable bad situation was thrown into this book. It got to the point I felt like I needed a neck brace from the whiplash I got with all the back and fourth. Very disappointed with this last installment of the series.