
Book #2 of The Submissive Series.

The Submissive Triology - The Dominant - Tara Sue Me

The Submissive Triology - The Dominant
von Tara Sue Me

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

"...I could be much more than the world thought. We could be much more than the world thought."

The Dominant is the story of Nathaniel West and Abigail King completely in his point of view. It runs along the same timeline as The Submissive but it's almost like a whole different story because we get all the details as to who he is, why he chooses to do the things he does, and how he suffers in silence.

Nathaniel West, successful CEO and Dominant, does not lose control. He has a plan for everyone and everything and that's where Abigail King enters the picture. She wants to be Nathaniel's submissive. The problem is she has no experience or training whatsoever.

I must say reading it again in his POV was enlightening. It really shows Nathaniel's thought process which was a completely different perspective on how Abby was seeing things. It really answered my questions from book 1 and made Nathaniel even more sexy by exposing his insecurities making him less abrasive than I'd originally imagined. Nathaniel and Abby couldn't be more perfect for one another!

Loving this series so far, and can't wait to jump into The Training and conclude the journey of Nathaniel and Abby. They both have so much more to learn about each other, their relationship and above all...their unyielding love.
Overall a stunning installment in The Submissive series, Great piece of writing, wonderful reading cannot wait for book three.