

A Very Vintage Christmas - Tilly Tennant

A Very Vintage Christmas
von Tilly Tennant

Bewertet mit 2.5 Sternen


I was looking forward to reading "A very Vintage Christmas" and expected a romantic Christmas story.  Unfortunately the book couldn't live up to my expecations.

I had a hard time getting into the story and found everything very confusing. I also missed the wintery and Christmassy atmosphere.

I really liked the story about the letter but I had the feeling that it wasn't very important for the story and everything came to easily to Dodie. I had some serious problems connectting with the characters and found Dodie very annoying. Her boyfriend Ryan was a complete idiot and I couldn't stand him at all.

The romance story was way too rushed and I couldn't really understand their feelings. Unfortunately I am very disappointed with the story but I have hopes that I am going to like Islas story better.