
Cute romance

Good Girl - Lauren Layne

Good Girl
von Lauren Layne

Bewertet mit 3 Sternen

Good Girl has been my first book by Lauren Layne, even though I heard quite a lot about her. I did like her writing style a lot, so I will defintely look into more of her books.

I enjoyed the setting of Good Girl: the rural Louisiana, a pop star hiding from bad media and meeting a cute man at her hideaway.
Jenny was a cute girl, even though I found her a bit naive at times. Noah acted like an ass most of the times and I didn't like how he treated Jenny. He was exactly the preppy guy he didn't want to be. Therefore the connection between Jenny and Noah didn't really work for me and there weren't many sparks for me.

The ending was cute and I enjoyed the happy ending. Overall it was an enjoyable read which was ruined a bit for me due to the male protagonist.