
Deathly Cruise

The Woman in Cabin 10 - Ruth Ware

The Woman in Cabin 10
von Ruth Ware

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

Laura Blacklock, called Lo, is a low ranking journalist of a travel magazin. So it is surprising for her to get the possibility to report about the maiden trip of a luxus ship. A few days before the cruise there is a burglar in her flat - not the best condition for her to feel safe and sound on board. Sleepless or with really little to no sleep she one night hears something from the next cabin: a splash. Not a small splash. A big one, just the kind of splash of a body hitting the water. Laura knows there is a woman in cabin 10, but nobody seems to know about her. Nobody has seen or heard of her. Nobody believes Laura and then she finds herself under the sway not only of a kidnapper, but a murderer, too ...

I liked the beginning with the burglar. There was a suspense you could feel. Rather than keep it Ware is going over a lot of Blablabla. This is going over 100 pages before the next hint of tension is reappearing. The main problem is Laura himself. She is one of the most dislikeable protagonists I ever saw in a book. She is bitchy, without a reason depressive and she drinks like there is a desert coming every minute. These are her thougts the first evening on board: Oh, I have to been sharp minded because ... Oh, a drink! *slurp* Ah, and over there is this really very important investor ... Oh, a drink! *slurp* Her interactions with other people are clumsy at best and stupid at worst. Couldn't stand this woman and found the book most of the time boring. And the end was so illogical, I just wanted to cry. One point for the idea, one point for the three pages there was something like tension, the rest is silence.