

Blow - Heidi Mclaughlin

von Heidi McLaughlin

Bewertet mit 2 Sternen

This is my first book by the author and I was reall intrigued by the premise and was looking forward to an interesting story.

Unfortunately it didn't work out for me at all. The story was shallow and the characters acted like horny teenagers.
I never had the feeling that the chemistry was properly built up. The story is told from Bodhi and Kim's perpective, while we get to know that Bodhi is interested in Kim, we never get such feelings talk from Kim, until the two suddenly jump each other in the woods. The sex scenes really made me cringe and they were far away from being a turn on.
The characters got more and more on my nerves and I never had the feeling I was a dealing with a couple of adults. The music setting didn't work for me either: there was no band feeling with the other guys, and that Bodhi is hardly able to sing didn't make it better either.

The book is really a huge disappointment for me due to my high expectations. I might try another book by the author though.