
Don't go down Dracula Drive...

von Hunter Shea

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

The master of creature feature scored again big time with this depraved and twisted story.

Creature Features are one of my favorite horror sub-genres, wherein Hunter Shea has proven his unrivaled expertise countless times already. So when I spotted the 'Misfits', I knew I had to read it immediately, never doubting that I was in for another treat.

Five friends, a group of outsiders and stoners picked on by their schoolmates, decide to take revenge on the rapist of one of them by means of the 'Melon Heads'. Spooky stories about the Melon Heads living in the woods are told to keep children from venturing into there, while attracting teenagers to do just that on a dare.

Believing they can make a deal, the friends kidnap the man and bring him into the woods for punishment. But the Melon Heads are not easily bargained with, and when the friends realize their mistake it's already too late - now they are on the hitlist themselves, and the Melon Heads are out for the hunt. Which group of misfits will prevail over the other and come out alive?

The 'Misfits' is slightly different with regards to the type of creatures haunting the woods of Milbury, which are more human than the usual animalistic beasts we encounter in such stories. This made room for some very depraved twists only the human mind is capable of devising, and the author mercilessly took advantage of it, right up to the very sick ending - I loved it!

(thanks to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)