
Either you like it, or you don't.

Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater

von Maggie Stiefvater

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

"You are beautiful and sad."

The plot itself is clearly focused on Grace and Sam's relationship - and not much else - so if you are looking for action and suspense, you should probably look elsewhere.

Shiver is narrated by the alternating points of view of Sam and Grace, two unbelievably different people drawn together by the power of love and devotion. When Grace was little, she was attacked by a pack of wolves but miraculously survived due to a certain yellow-eyed wolf's protection. Now her growing fascination is fixated on the wolves of Mercy Falls.

Shiver has a slow pace and is uneventful but this is actually a positive thing, it adds to the story and its mournful air. Maggie Steifvater's writing is so vivid that I felt I was reading in the middle of the dark woods, or in the cold chill of winter: "The evening was steel gray, the sky an endless expanse of frozen clouds waiting for snow and for night."

This is a sweet, simple romance with an edge of tension, that time's-running-out kind of tension. It's a successful story, very real and believable and sympathetic, and Grace and Sam are honest and alive, their love true and strong - just not quite epic.

I can say with confidence that I am glad that I read this book, and I really cannot wait to read  Linger.