
Everyone: Please read this!

We Should All Be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

We Should All Be Feminists
von Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Bewertet mit 5 Sternen

Why wouldn't one want to read this book? It's a declaration and a demand for the equality of genders - women's and men's alike!

Although Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speaks often of the experiences she makes in Africa, she has a good point in this book, because it addresses a general problem: Not only do we as a society need to better the general situation for women but also for men like the expectation of masculinity. Having to show no fear, always needing to be a 'hard man', paying the bill when going out with a girl and other stuff puts men in a position where they always have to prove themselves as better, bigger, stronger than women. In a world where femininity for a man is something he has to overcome and he has to distance from, our genders can never be equal. But it is the burden of this toxic masculinity we have to overcome, so that men can allow themselves to be comfortable being fearful and sensitive just as women are.


Why wouldn't one want to read this book? It's a declaration and a demand for the equality of genders - women's and men's alike! If you didn't already got your hands on this little book, do so now!