
Family drama with a supernatural twist

Rags -

von Ty Drago

Bewertet mit 4 Sternen

Keep your tissues ready - to wipe of the tears and blood that will spill...

Abby lives in a foster home - one of the good ones, where the foster parents actually care about the kids. When one night she and her foster sibling are attacked at the pier, they are saved by an unnaturally fast and strong being looking like a homeless person, whom Abby names 'Rags'. From now on Abby seems to have a strange connection to the mysterious Rags, and when the foster home is threatened to be taken by some dubious investors by force, Abby knows that only Rags will be able to help them. But is she willing to pay the price it will cost her?
I really liked the explanation of Rags' origin, how Abby was accidentally involved and how it all worked out in the end. Also, the mix of supernatural elements and family drama worked pretty well, and though some minor characters were stereotyped, Abby and Rags were shaped into convincing main characters. This was a fast, action-packed and blood-soaked, but also very moving drama about a girl and what she would do to keep her family save...